Federico Err%C3%A1zuriz Echaurren

Federico Errzuriz Echaurren was a Chilean political figure. Born in Santiago, he served as President of Chile between 1896 and his death in 1901. Federico Errzuriz was of Basque descent.

He was born in Santiago, the first son of former president Federico Errzuriz Zaartu and of First Lady Eulogia Echaurren GarcaHuidobro. Errzuriz studied at the Padres Franceses, the Instituto Nacional and the Universidad de Chile, where he graduated as a lawyer on March 26, 1873. In 1875 he married Gertrudis Echenique, and together they had two children Federico and Elena. After the end of his studies, they moved to the hacienda of El Huique, in the province of Colchagua, which he would continue to manage until his death.

Source: Wikipedia